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What are managed services?

The managed services model of IT support is a modern method for businesses to ensure their IT systems are always working as expected, and not failing when they are needed most.

Many businesses, both large and small have started to take a more proactive approach in regards to their IT systems, they understand the importance of maintaining their systems and preventing issues rather than just fixing things when they break. They also want to understand and manage their network as a whole rather than just looking at individual devices, this is where managed services come in.

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When adopting a managed services strategy for IT support the focus changes from reactively fixing problems to monitoring your entire IT system, how everything works together and the IT processes you use on a regular basis. Every part of the system is monitored as well as every step of the processes, meaning faults will be detected at the earliest possible stage so they can be resolved, ideally before you even notice there is an issue.

In addition, if you do need to raise an issue to your managed service provider (MSP) they will be able to quickly identify the cause of the problem and where the issue is occurring within your IT system, meaning fixes can happen faster.

A key factor of managed services is the ongoing maintenance of your systems, your systems will be monitored and your MSP alerted when things like updates are required or hard drive space is running low, so these can be managed long before they cause an issue.

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Benefits of managed services

Using managed services is a great way to ensure all your business IT processes are always running smoothly. Real-time monitoring allows issues to be identified as (or before) they happen, meaning they can often be resolved before there is any impact on your business.

Managed services support enables the MSP to identify potential risks and put steps in place to protect your business from unexpected IT failures that could cost your business time and money.

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The managed services model is about preventing problems rather than simply fixing things once they are already broken. When you are using managed services, you will see less disruption to your workflow as potential problems are identified before they cause an outage.

The principal of managed services is to save your business time and disruption, if your business laptops and desktops are being properly maintained behind the scenes by your MSP, there will be less disruption to your staff caused by issues with their computer so they can focus on their work without distractions.

If an issue does occur, then tickets can be easily raised without you or your staff having to provide lots of additional information. As your MSP already has a good understanding of your IT system, they will already have the information they need to fix the problem and take steps to avoid it happening again.

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What is covered by managed services from Enliven?

At Enliven Digital Solutions our goal is to protect your business from unexpected IT outages and limit the impact of IT issues on your business. Our managed services offering provides round-the-clock monitoring of your complete IT system, including all IT equipment and any software or services you utilise to run your business. If a potential issue is flagged by our monitoring system we will investigate and undertake work to resolve this issue at the earliest stage, to prevent any impact on your business. If an outage occurs that could not be prevented, we will work quickly to get everything back up and running as fast as possible.

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Many potential issues can be prevented altogether through regular monitoring of your systems and ongoing maintenance, meaning action is taken before the issue occurs. For example, with active monitoring a server running low on disk space will be flagged to us and action taken to delete unneeded files or increase the available storage long before the disk space runs out, meaning a server crash can be avoided.

Enliven Digital Solutions managed services offering covers the core common devices and services used by businesses, including;

  • Servers (on-premise and cloud)
  • Desktop and laptop computers (including remote workers)
  • Network equipment (e.g. switches and routers)
  • Back-up solutions
  • Security solutions
  • Printers and scanners

In addition, we can offer support for specific technology utilised by your business, such as payment systems, stock systems etc, speak to us about your specific requirements.

Desktop and laptop computers will be covered by the automated monitoring, if issues occur we can provide support for these individual devices via remote desktop support. Tickets can be raised directly from the desktop without the user having to call or email us when there is a problem. For urgent issues such as a critical outage or failure, phone and email support is also available.

For critical systems or IT equipment that is crucial 24/7 to your business operations, we offer out-of-hours support contracts, we will ensure you are only paying for this extended service for the devices or services that require it.

When you enter into a managed services contract with Enliven Digital Solutions we will undertake an onboarding process. This will include making a complete list of all equipment, services and technology relating to the IT system in your business. We will record all assets and their details including; configuration, serial numbers, warranty status and age of equipment. This data will be used as part of our monitoring and maintenance so that we can advise when equipment is likely to need servicing, upgrading or potentially replacement. This will help us to ensure all of your equipment is reliable and avoid the risk of unexpected failures. If there is any legacy equipment or software in use that is out of date but vital to your business, we will look at plans to reduce associated risks as much as possible to prevent any sudden outages.

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What makes Enliven different?

At Enliven we believe in prevention being better than cure. We want to take the stress and confusion out of the IT systems that your business relies on to function, so you can focus on running your business.

We will aim to monitor and automate as much as possible so you can be assured that your business is protected from unexpected IT outages or failures. We will actively monitor your IT systems and act to resolve any issues (or potential issues) before they impact your business. We will also help to identify potential risks and mitigate those risks as far as possible.

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At Enliven we do not believe in unexpected charges or additional hidden costs, we will be upfront with you about what is included in your contract and what would incur extra charges. We will listen to your needs and find a managed services package that fits your business requirements and your budget.

We want to make sure our customers are clear on the service we are providing and the work we are carrying out, we provide regular reports on the alerts detected, actions taken, and other maintenance work carried out. If you have any questions or want more information on the technical elements of the work we have carried out we will be happy to explain this to you, we believe in transparency.

We do not believe in locking a customer into a long-term contract, we would like you to stay with us because you are happy with our service and not because you feel locked-in and unable to move away. For that reason, at Enliven we promise to always provide everything needed for your new supplier should you decide to move away from us.

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Are managed services right for you?

Managed services are a method of providing support for business IT systems that is not affected by the size of the company. This support model does not focus on the number of devices or users, instead the focus is on the business IT system as a whole and the support needed to ensure all IT processes function as expected.

With this model all the services a company needs to operate are considered and documented. We can then monitor and support any devices and technologies that the business relies on.

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In a small business this could be a single computer used by one person, which is needed for all IT functions used by the business. On the other end of the scale, in a large organisation there could be hundreds of devices and computers used by many staff members for different functions. These would all be vital for the daily functions of the business, therefore would all need support and monitoring.

No matter what the scale managed services can be utilised to protect your business from unexpected outages or problems.

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How much does it cost?

At Enliven Digital Solutions we aim to offer good value with our managed services offering and will ensure our services meet your requirements, so you are never spending more than necessary to have your business protected from unexpected outages.

Pricing will vary dependent on the requirements of each business, and the need for any additional services such as back-up solutions, 24/7 monitoring or priority rapid response for major issues.

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It is possible to give an average cost for a standard managed services offering, assuming standard business requirements an average cost per managed device would be around £15 (excl. VAT) per calendar month.

The price per device listed is an average cost based on a typical combination of standard business devices such as laptops and printers, mission critical devices like servers (requiring rapid responses) and back-office computers that are not essential to the business (therefore do not require a fast fix). These individual devices will vary in cost per device for managed services support, depending on complexity and priority.

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To find out more about managed services support from Enliven Digital Solutions and to speak to a member of our team about how we can support your business, get in touch with us. For more information on the full range of technical and marketing services offered by Enliven Digital Solutions visit our services page.